About Us
Welcome to Aesthetic Center Nancy Cano
Years of professional experience in non invasive aesthetic and body services to make you feel and look rejuvenated. We provide the perfect setting and treatment for you with our on site menu. Give Us the pleasure of helping you feel even more BEAUTIFUL.
Our Story
For many years I worked as a model, in the meantime I got familiar with beauty products and routines, which sparked great interest in me. Upon arriving in this wonderful country, my family and I began to forge our future in the way that most immigrants do when they arrive here… working with cleaning, painting, remodeling, etc. When we achieved stability, my husband suggested that I not continue working this way, and instead I should dedicate myself to what I was really passionate about: aesthetics and body care. So, with the support of my husband & my children, I began to study aesthetics. Every time I read, I felt more intrigued to the subject to the point of not wanting to stop. I wanted to progress more and more in my classes and overtime obtain certifications & degrees in each area of aesthetics and body care. That is how I became the professional that I am now. I still have not stopped studying and working on my craft. To this day consider myself passionate about medical aesthetics.